Received an amazing bag from FREITAG (Zurich) for christmas from my beloved wife. Great bag. Just as good, everything aroung it. These guys and girls from Zurich do an amazing job in making the buyers / owners of their bags feel great about their purchase.
It starts with a great email we received, stating that whilst sipping on some bubbly, the order appeared in their packaging wharehouse on their HD TV, and that they would get working on putting the bag in the post asap. The story continues – the post man loves what he does, and loves bringing you a Freitag bag, even if his not in the best of moods when arriving at your front door. Therefore, you could hug or kiss him to make him feel better. Great story telling!
Then when you open the bag inside you find a card with a story of an employee, in my case about the “#dirtbuster” Mustafa, information about the factory including the process of producing the bags, images of workers, the warehouse, production units etc, a Thank You card (when was the last time someone said thank you when buying a product), and a short Q & A type of maze on the back of this, enabling you to tell your own FREITAG story.
Love this type of marketing. Not only are the bags brilliant, it seems from the outside, that the whole company is brilliant.
Beautiful marketing.