Today is “Diversity Day” and we live this everyday of the year.
A few months back we discussed the topic of diversity and our slogan “Schütze was du liebst” (Protect what you love) and the talented team at Territory came up with a very simple idea – let’s crate the most normal communication in the world. In other words, let’s simply change the pictures of the people in our current social ads, with other people. People of color, a mixed couple, women who don’t fit the old “perfect model” mould anymore etc, and see what happens.
Well, unfortunately quite a lot happened. And not just good.
We were in part shocked by the response the ads generated, especially over Facebook. Thankfully our fans and community stood up for the images and the discussion was heated.
For us it shows that it’s normal and therefore right, to continue down this track. It’s amazing that still today, in some parts of our society, some people still get hugely upset and emotional about seeing people that maybe do not fit their own ideals. And that that can lead to discrimination shows we still have some way to go.
I am super proud of the team behind the campaign. Wonderfully simple and powerful.
@Flo Lothmann. @Andreas Jarosch. @Nora Tarasjanz. @Natalie Eich. @Ella Ridderbecks. @Anika Peters. @Eva Herzog. @Alisa Rau. @Jan-Patrick Turra. @Jean P. Maron. @Territory.