After almost 5 years within the Deutsche Bank organisation I actually created something for the Deutsche Bank brand with our partners. The Grip Challenge by Deutsche Bank occured over a six week period end of May.
And what a live event it turned out to be.
What we did?
As part of the new major Deutsche Bank campaig “Zugreifen” (Go grab it), we developed a three part campaign called the #GripChallenge. The idea was simple, extend the campaign into a real modern approach to marketing and get people talking about Deutsche Bank in a positive way.
The first part was the social movement, where we got people involved in the campaign, and the second part that followed was this live-event in Frankfurt on one day.
The idea here was simple – people could come by, hang on to a rope (like in the campaign) and win 75 cents per second, whilst we then also paid the same amount won by the participants to our long-term sponsor the Deutsche Sporthilfe (German Sporting Organisation).
All in all we handed out over 20.000 Euros to the live participants on that day, as well as another 20.000 Euros to the sporting organisation.
And the event was a blast. People cued for up to 6 hours just to participate, and the biggest issue was keeping the people who missed out in good spirits.
And the people loved it. The German Sporting Organisation was wrapped and we had over 70 people who went home with up to 450 Euros in their pockets.
And the best thing – Deutsche Bank was a positive highlight on that day, showing other banks that the brand is still alive.
We had great support from the Deutsche Sporthilfe, who bought German olympians to the event to participate. We also had EIntracht Frankfurt bring some guests and Radio FFH (regional radio in Frankfurt) were also there to liven up the crowd with their super promoter Steffi Burmeister.
And we also had some great acts there whose job it was to add a little salt to the already difficult challenge. 🙂 We weren’t going to make it to easy!

Havas Düsseldorf
ExpoDesign (Grip Challenge stand & tehcnology)
Katharina Mihatsch Agency (Event organisation)
Deutsche Sporthilfe
Radio FFH
Eintracht Frankfurt