It’s here, finally, our new 8 part short film series named “Ach, du liebes Geld” starring germanys most well-known stock-market reporter Markus Koch.
The series launched last Friday with the first episode focusing on “Love”. Why “love”? The series aims to bring our everyday lives and our thinking together with our thinking on investments. Why should the two vary so much. Can’t we learn from our everyday lives, and can’t we have it all sometimes?
This is an infotainment series, bringing together humour and real facts about our lives and finances. The series is aimed at people who really still believe that investing is complicated and only for the wealthy. Through the light format we aim to move people to rethink their investing thoughts, and maybe question their own prejudices to investing and money.
We aim to get a broad part of the community involved and that’S why Bild (Zeitung) are also involved here in Germany. They will have exclusive access to the films each week, evening bringing them one day before we do. The reach through Germany’s most popular media publication / platform should broaden the impact we generate.
Let’s see how the series pans out. We hope to generate around 2 million views of the series online, which would be a first for the financial industry here in Germany. #DWS
Here’s the first Episode “LOVE”.
Episode 2 is now also online: All about Germans love affair with cruise ships….Visit the campaign page here.
Here we go with Episode 3 – Lotto vs. Investing. Visit the campaign page here.
Episode 4 – Fitness for your boyd, mind and account. Visit the campaign page here.
Episode 5 – Marriage and money
Episode 6 – Timing and money
Episode 7 – Planting a tree and money
And the final episode in Series 1 – following the herd…