Start of 2021 the leading TV channel Pro7 came to us with an amazing idea – let’s raise awareness for the terrible working situations that the hospital staff face in Germany on a daily basis (24 hour shifts, relatively low pay, little thanks etc.) and you don’t get any real classical advertising space.
We talked to them, understood the idea, were moved by the idea and decided to support it.
And therefore Germany’s first ever 7 hour live broadcast from within a hospital was born and showed in primetime in Germany. And with only two supporters – Deutsche Telekom and CosmosDirekt.
There was no advertising undertaken on the channel for the complete 7 hours, simply a few mentions from the hosts Joko&Klaas highlighting the sacrifice the two partners made to host this show.
What an idea!
The TV show won the German Film Prize (Deutscher Filmpreis) for the years best Infotainment.
It was an honor to be part of this. Thank you ProSieben and Joko&Klaas.